Sovereign Health Ep.18: You Become What You Tolerate

We're heard it before - you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Let's tackle it from another angle today...

Sovereign Health Ep.18: You Become What You Tolerate

We're heard it before - you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Let's tackle it from another angle today - we all become what we tolerate.... eventually.

You see, it's a simple formula. To tolerate something we must accept it, to accept it we must be okay with it.

Either way, we're giving this something permission to exist in our lives - for better, or for worse.

Let's explore this context a little deeper!

Final Thoughts

Have you joined the Sovereign Collective? The collective is a (free) private community for DeFi Degens & Crypto Pros who want to become the best version of themselves possible. Join us and discuss health, nutrition, fitness, performance, crypto and more!

It's a great place to get assistance, share your insights/wins/breakdowns/breakthroughs and much more!

Coupled with the Sovereign Academy, which is an on-demand training platform for all things mental toughness, leadership development, and team building, I've equipped you with the tools and resources to tap into that 20x potential and 20x performance that's driving you insane by sitting around dormant.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!