Sovereign Health Ep.15: How Do You Handle Adversity?

Life can be demanding, on all fronts, at all times. How do you respond to adversity?

It's easy for us all to fall into the trap believing that adversity, challenge, it's all out of our control. Which is absolutely a flawed way of thinking.

We may not be able to control it at all times, however, we can decide our own challenges and work it into our training. As soon as we "plug in" or set foot out the door to the real world, we're presented with a wide open training ground.

A training ground where we can: design our own challenges. When we design our own challenges, we control the tempo, vibe, and pace, and we have the ability to throw in the towel if needed.

In turn, these challenges build resilience and mental toughness. It allows us to test ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally, emotionally, intuition, and maybe even our spirituality. It all depends on the domain and dynamics of the challenge(s) you've designed for yourself.

Which is great. Because, do you know what that means?

It means we have opportunity to develop and expand our skills. We don't rise to the level of the challenges we face. We fall down to the level of our training.

Training allows us to learn how to control and dial down our stress responses, learn to control our emotions and refocus them to healthier, more productive avenues.

Then when life decides to try and punch us in the face, guess what? We've been training for this, we got this! BOOYAH!

Closing thoughts

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Coupled with the Sovereign Academy, which is an on-demand training platform for all things mental toughness, leadership development, and team building, I've equipped you with the tools and resources to tap into that 20x potential and 20x performance that's driving you insane by sitting around dormant.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!