SHW Podcast Ep. 8 - What's your stand?

You often hear me throw around the importance of defining our stand and 3P's. Today it's important to take a dirt dive into what exactly Sovereign Health & Wealth actually stands for.

What is sovereignty? Traditionally? What is this new-aged self-sovereignty I talk about?

It's no secret the majority of us are tired of the powers that be. Tired of their control, manipulation, lack of privacy and transparency, lack of care.

We value our autonomy, control, freedom - and we want full control of our lives, our bodies, our health, our results.

As leaders, we can not lead from a place we've never been. We are all leaders, and it's time to lead the way into the new frontier.

Thanks for tuning in Clarity Nation! I hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I did!

If you're ready to take your life to the next step and start tapping into your full potential, unlocking new performance, new levels of movement and finding new freedom, head on over to the academy for more in depth and on demand training.

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