Rise Or Fall, It's Your Call

It's your call whether or not you rise or fall.

What does that mean? It means your life: your choice. It's not very often that we don't have a choice.

We choose:
How we react
Our responses
Whether our emotions control us - or we control them
Fight - Flight - Freeze (aren't totally out of our control)

The question then becomes; how can we master ourselves while learning to control the seemingly uncontrollable?

Simple, the answer is training. We don't rise to the level of our challenges. We fall to the level of our training.

Emotions can be mastered. Operating emotionally and letting our emotional baggage and diarrhea spew out all over the place is never the answer. In fact, it can be quite toxic to be around.

That doesn't mean that emotions are bad, or that they need be cast out and rejected. This is not the answer either.

However, tapping into our tools we can access our witness. Take a step outside of us, and simply witness. Witness our thoughts and emotions. Take a breathe, allow them to pass.

Understanding that we are not our emotions is key. Our emotions are a part of us, and what's part of us we can assert some levels of dominion over.

If the thoughts and emotions aren't serving you or those around you, acknowledge them and simply let them pass.

Refocus on something that will serve you and those around you, redirect to those, and maintain those thoughts and vibes. Life people up, don't bring them down with you.

You see, when we design our own training and our own challenges, we have the ability to practice these subtle skills.

When we face adversity in the real world, we have opportunities to practice these skills.

Through putting ourselves in situations or circumstances that would normally upset (or trigger) us, we're teaching ourselves how to control and mitigate those stressful responses as they bubble up.

Seeing that you've now designed your own challenge, if you need to throw in the towel and walk away that's great.We can't always do that when life hands us challenges.

When life hands us challenges, we can now rise to the levels of the training we've been engaging in. We don't have to fall back into past patterns and behaviors any longer.

Closing Thoughts

Are you ready for more in depth training?

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I look forward to seeing you on the other side!