Protect Your Privacy From Corporations, Politicians and Prying Bodies In 4 Steps

Governments, corporations, religion, their surveillance capitalism needs to end.

Governments, religion, corporations, including the 5, 9, and 14 eyes have no right to be invading our privacy as we've let them since the foundation of our current civilization.

Reduce your digital footprint and safeguard your data in 4 simple steps, effectively reducing their ability to spy on you.

1. Sign up for a free email with protonmail.

Why protonmail? They're secure, based in Sweden. You may not know this, however, Switzerland takes privacy very seriously, it's a good idea to lean on them!

It also blocks cookies, trackers and other privacy breaching tactics marketers and governments use to spy on us and profit off our existence.

2. Use this email to sign up for your exchange accounts and anything crypto related... or simply because you value privacy.

The privacy protection on protonmail is solid! It makes sense to use it as a primary public facing address.

This will help reduce your digital footprint and make it hard for corporations and others to spy on us.

3. Always use a VPN to limit your fingerprints across the internet with sensitive data.

Data can be stolen in transmission. A VPN sets a secure connection from your device to the external server. This protects your data from snoopers and other malicious actors.

It also doesn't tie your internet activity to your house, making it harder for people to track or trace you.

Isn't that ideal? Making it harder to be found, and protecting your data from prying eyes!

4. Download Brave Browser. It is a privacy browser built from chrome, same functionality.

A privacy browser will block all cookies, trackers and other garbage corporations and politicians use to invade our privacy and track us.The 5, 9, and 14 eyes have no right to spy on us and get in the way of our self sovereignty.

Neither do corporations, nor do they have the right to profit off our data.

Surveillance capitalism needs to end.
Take your stand and protect your info.

Closing Thoughts:

Have you joined the Sovereign Collective? The collective is a (free) private community for DeFi Degens & Crypto Pros who want to become the best version of themselves possible. Join us and discuss health, nutrition, fitness, performance, crypto and more!

It's a great place to get assistance, share your insights, wins, breakdowns, breakthroughs and much more!

Coupled with the Sovereign Academy, which is an on-demand training platform for all things mental toughness, leadership development, and team building, I've equipped you with the tools and resources to tap into that 20x potential and 20x performance that's driving you insane by sitting around dormant.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!