5 Steps To Finding Work In Crypto

It's a very common - and very frequent question - how does one get into crypto?

It's probably the most simple answer ever - you simply just walk in somewhere, roll up your sleeves and get to work. It's literally that simple.

What you'll find is a lot of DAO's operate within Discord. If you want to know what projects they're building, meet members, or any other number of reasons, discord is the place to be. Sometimes, telegram, depending on the community.

Remember, a lot of these organizations are digitally native. Meaning, they only exist online, in cyberspace. Cool right? That makes us immune to econmic shutdowns in the current environment.

It also means it's an even playing field for the whole world. What does that mean?

It means regardless of your color, race, creed, flag, it doesn't matter. We all have the same opportunities online. For all we know, some of our top producers (or contributors) can't leave their bed with a permanent disability. It's an opportunity they wouldn't get out in IRL.

Finding work in this day and age is the most easy thing to do. These online workspaces are largely based off reputation and merit. As you get involved and network, opportunities to earn a salary-type position, bonuses, and other forms of compensation will arise.

Your reputation is everything - we must ensure we're managing our digital personas accordingly.

If you're having trouble, take a step back. Write down your 3P's (passion, purpose, principles), and find projects/communities that align with your 3P's. When you have the correct alignment between culture (community) and 3P's, you'll notice it doesn't take much more than a month or two to have a permanent spot secured.

Personally, it's taken me inside of 30 days to find work in this space, consistently, following the process.

Step 1: Find a project or organization that aligns with your 3P's
Step 2: Research what they're doing, join their community
Step 3: Engage and participate in the community. Attend community or guild calls, participate in conversations and proposals, etc
Step 4: Connect with mods/admins and see what the community finds valuable
Step 5: Secure your spot as a main (or core) contributor!

It really is quite the time to be alive. We literally live in a time where work has never been easier to find. Participating and getting involved has never been easier, has never had a lower barrier to entry. There's no reason in this day and age to be without work!

It's a wide open space with no shortage of opportunities to invest your time and energy in, and they're widely available for any go-getter willing to simply step in and work on it as needed.

If you're ready to get started in the Crypto space, it's easy as pie. as you can see, it's as simple as joining their communities and engaging. Over time as your reputation and experience grows people will acknowledge your skillsets and there will be no shortage of projects for you to assist!

Closing Comments

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