DAOlationships Onboarding Guide

DAOlationships sole purpose is to engage and nurture relationships on behalf of the DAO. Traditional & scummy sales and marketing tactics have no place here

DAOlationships Onboarding Guide

Who is DAOlationships?

DAOlationships sole purpose is to engage and nurture relationships on behalf of the DAO.

We do this through internal projects - such as a roster of potential sponsorships for content, community events for DAOplomats, and most importantly by getting involved within communities outside of our immediate DAO.

By getting involved in other communities, we show that we represent an open, fun, and collaborative environment - we don't just care about the success of our community, we care about the success of all communities.

1) Guild Layout:

Guild Channels have a purpose, and the purpose is enforced. Please use threads for lengthy convos.

Start here (you are here): chatter-free onramp and training. You'll also find organizational updates, this can be updated frequently as we move fast.

General: introductions and hangout

Feedback: an open and free place to give feedback to each other or the org so we can improve and rise together as a team

Culture: existential. Who are we? How will we define ourselves?

Opportunities: Focus here! This is where projects and deals to work will be posted. Little to no chatter here unless it's relating to the opportunities.

Governance: how we operate & structure. Organizational planning.

Pollz: Polls and surveys to get guild consensus or collect info as needed.

Non-emoji channels: our collaborators and friends, DAOplomats. DAOplomats come to us from many different Organizations, and without our relationships we won't get very far. We acknowledge this and appreciate you all!!!!

Threads: side chatter that may/may not be relevant to everyone else. Please use threads for major chatter so people can access info quick + easy when needed

2) DAOlationships 101 Guide: Consolidate your best practices into a quick onboarding guide for new people, direct them here.

WIP - as with all else in this space, everything is iterative and under constant revision

4) Becoming An Active Guild Member: You must collect the DAOlationship tag from guild-select to access the channels or have an honorary DAOplomat tag

1) Request edit access in your DAO's single source of truth.
2) Fill out your member profile and add the ninja role to yourself
3) Utilize all resources - find a collaborator below, a project from the project channel/community calls, or explore the CRM to find a DAO/Project you'd like to get involved in, and start scoping them out to get involved
4) Build a relationship and contribute to their communities
5) Attend our weekly calls & report what you've been learning there. Under 2 minutes, coles notes and highlights only to respect everyone's time
6) Whether or not you can attend the guild call, please ensure what you're working on is added to the weekly rolling agenda within meeting notes titled DRAFT to ensure you get cred for what you're doing

5) We currently run 2 weekly guild calls. 1 call focused guild updates and rallies.
A second, supplementary weekly call focused at onboarding. 1-1 calls are not scalable or effective to get people up to speed. Group calls allow us to come together collectively for coaching and support as we learn to navigate these waters together.

Together we can create something truly unique and separated from the default way of building and promoting businesses. We can take the scummy sales tactics, the stalker marketing tactics and drop those playbooks altogether. In favor of building long lasting relationships and solidarity among communities.

We're all in this together to build a brighter future for us all. We can get there together, it simply comes down to a choice to make a stand.

Final Thoughts

Have you joined the Sovereign Collective? The collective is a (free) private community for DeFi Degens & Crypto Pros who want to become the best version of themselves possible. Join us and discuss health, nutrition, fitness, performance, crypto and more!

It's a great place to get assistance, share your insights, wins, breakdowns, breakthroughs and much more!

Coupled with the Sovereign Academy, which is an on-demand training platform for all things mental toughness, leadership development, and team building, I've equipped you with the tools and resources to tap into that 20x potential and 20x performance that's driving you insane by sitting around dormant.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!